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Send and list messages with XMTP

The message payload can be a plain string, but you can configure custom content types. To learn more, see Content types.

Send messages

To send a message, the recipient must have already started their client at least once and consequently advertised their key bundle on the network.

You might want to consider optimistically sending messages.

const conversation = await xmtp.conversations.newConversation(
await conversation.send("Hello world");

List messages in a conversation

You can receive the complete message history in a conversation.

for (const conversation of await xmtp.conversations.list()) {
// All parameters are optional and can be omitted
const opts = {
// Only show messages from last 24 hours
startTime: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1)),
endTime: new Date(),
const messagesInConversation = await conversation.messages(opts);

List messages in a conversation with pagination

If a conversation has a lot of messages, it's more performant to retrieve and process the messages page by page instead of handling all of the messages at once.

Call conversation.messages(limit: Int, before: Date), which will return the specified number of messages sent before that time.

let conversation = try await client.conversations.newConversation(
with: "0x3F11b27F323b62B159D2642964fa27C46C841897")

let messages = try await conversation.messages(limit: 25)
let nextPage = try await conversation.messages(limit: 25, before: messages[0].sent)

Decode a single message

You can decode a single Envelope from XMTP using the decode method:

let conversation = try await client.conversations.newConversation(
with: "0x3F11b27F323b62B159D2642964fa27C46C841897")

// Assume this function returns an Envelope that contains a message for the above conversation
let envelope = getEnvelopeFromXMTP()

let decodedMessage = try conversation.decode(envelope)

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